September 27, 2021

10 Tips for Writing a Top Quality White Paper


Table of Contents:

  1. Keep your target audience top of mind
  2. Remember the goal of your white paper
  3. Understand the difference between a white paper and other formats
  4. Ensure your message is clear
  5. Inspire your reader through emotional engagement
  6. Keep the content free of marketing language
  7. Deliver the content using a credible voice
  8. Add engaging design elements
  9. Promote and test across multiple platforms
  10. Repurpose your white paper to extend its reach


Packed full of solution-oriented details, supported by sound data, and written by tech experts, white papers are foundational marketing tools for technology companies.

IT buyers continue to rely on white papers as credible and informative resources that help them uncover solutions to their complex business problems. The 2020 Content Preferences Study reported that white papers came second only to videos as the top content format B2B buyers engaged with during their buying process last year (DemandGen).

The experts at GamePlan Marketing share their advice on the value of writing high-quality white papers.

The Value of White Papers

IT professionals are savvy buyers. Almost 70% of B2B buyers prefer to do their own online research before reaching out to a sales representative (Forrester). White papers provide marketers with a highly effective way to connect with tech professionals as they actively research solutions. A good white paper will build credibility with the buyer, enhance the visibility of your products and services, and motivate the buyer to take the next step in their purchase journey.

Tips for Writing a Top Quality White Paper

  1. Keep your target audience top of mind

    IT professionals have a lot of demands and typically don’t have time to read a white paper just for general knowledge - especially since its average length is 3,000 words. Their motivation to read a white paper comes from the hope that they will uncover a product or service that can help them overcome a specific challenge. The most effective white paper is one that outlines a clear and well-supported solution to a specific problem.

  2. Remember the goal of your white paper

    White papers are designed as lead generation and nurturing tools. Crafting a fact-based, carefully researched white paper will encourage IT buyers to take the next step in their purchase journey. A well-written white paper can build trust with tech professionals and create opportunities for high-value sales meetings. Be sure to interview multiple subject matter experts and complete thorough research in order to build a solid, authoritative case for your solution.

  3. Understand the difference between a white paper and other formats

    There can be some confusion around the differences between white papers, e-books, and case studies. Whereas a case study is a success story about a customer, a white paper details a specific technology and the facts to support its efficacy. Traditionally a PDF with little to no images, it is not uncommon now for a white paper to be delivered in the form of an e-book that includes multiple graphics, links, and even interactivity. However, not all e-books are white papers. Promotional e-books are typically shorter in length (500-600 words), provide bullet points or brief overviews of products/services, and may not follow the white paper’s typical problem, solution, outcome structure.

  4. Ensure your message is clear

    The typical structure of a white paper includes an executive summary, introduction, several pages each devoted to 1) describing the problem, 2) outlining the solution, 3) describing the results of implementing the solution and the benefits achieved, and finally a conclusion. Take the time to perfect the executive summary and conclusion. If the buyer only has time to read those two sections, and they each say the same thing in two different ways, then your message will be communicated successfully.

  5. Inspire your reader through emotional engagement

    Buyers will relate to and get excited about a topic that identifies with their specific pain points. Engage the reader by touching on emotional elements such as frustrations and challenges, then focusing on the business and human benefits the reader will experience from adopting your solution. Add further inspiration and engagement by presenting your innovative solution like a purposeful story - problem, solution, outcome - to illustrate how challenges were overcome and success was achieved.

  6. Keep the content free of marketing language

    Although a white paper should be persuasive, its content should not be sales-y or use marketing language. Instead, a white paper uses facts and logic to promote and support a recommended solution. When reading a white paper, IT pros expect a balanced point of view with reliable information supported by facts and research. Inform and persuade your readers using a fact-based case that outlines a clear solution and the resulting business benefits.

  7. Deliver the content using a credible voice

    IT professionals are looking for trusted content. Write your white paper using the established voice of your brand to project credibility. Include quotes from credible resources from outside your company (i.e. engineers, developers) who have implemented the proposed solution and can speak to its success. If you have interviewed an especially charismatic subject matter expert, deliver the content of the white paper in the same style they deliver their ideas, to capture their compelling personality and increase engagement.

  8. Add engaging design elements

    Supporting a well-written white paper with great design is key to increasing engagement with readers. The use of charts, graphics, colour, and a nice layout are all important elements for readability. Images, graphs, and charts can be used to add clarity to complex data and make your white paper easier to read and understand. Keep the design consistent with your brand to drive recognition and credibility.

  9. Promote and test across multiple platforms

    The key to driving downloads of your white paper is engaging your audience across several platforms. Testing different channels can help you determine the best way to promote your white paper to your target technology buyer. Creating an attractive and accessible landing page is essential to ensure there are no barriers to downloading your white paper and capturing lead information. Since IT purchase decisions typically involve a buying team, make sure that your white paper is easy to share. A good white paper usually gets passed around to multiple colleagues.

  10. Repurpose your white paper to extend its reach

    A good white paper supported by established facts and data takes at least four to six weeks to research, write, edit, and design. With such a big investment in time (in addition to a substantial financial investment), it makes sense to extend the life and reach of your white paper by repurposing it. There are many ways to repurpose the content including blogs, webinars, press releases, and also more ‘snackable’ content such as infographics and social media posts. With video increasingly becoming a content format favourite with B2B buyers, another great idea is to create a video summary of your white paper (which can be accomplished using motion graphics).

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